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Let's Get Started!

The Fred Wilson Production Model®

Transform Your Approach to Real Estate; Skyrocket Your Success in Sales

Join Fred in this informative and career-shaping 14-part miniseries as he spotlights the common and costly limitations faced by real estate professionals everywhere. He’ll delve into his proven agent-success program, a highly effective sales-training platform custom designed both to raise your overall access to opportunity and develop your verbal ability with discovery. Each, a must-have skill; and where the money is in real estate sales.

Fred's Mission Statements

Fred Wilson - Tapping my potential to be my best.

ProNet Partners, Inc. - Developing income streams to create financial independence.

Capitis Real Estate - Providing the environment in which agents prosper.

Agent Fred - Averaging one deal a week, or more.

Fred Wilson Coaching, Inc. - Bringing the tools of success to everyone.

Coach Fred - Helping people be well and do well.

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